I absolutely loved this summer! I can’t believe that it is over! There have been so many wonderful experiences this summer that I will cherish always. This entire summer I have been working for the Gap, which has been an adventure in itself. I have learned so much from working there, and have met so many awesome people. Even though I was working I was able to get time off for vacation too! It was so nice to just be with my family. Here are some pictures of some of my summer adventures:
These are some pictures from my 19th birthday party! It was so much fun! I had a bunch of my friends over to swim and play games. It was the best birthday ever (thanks to my awesome aunts!)!
Many of my friends got married this summer! I couldn't believe it! This is a picture of me and my good friend Haley Woolf, now Neiswender (I hope I spelled that right). I am really going to miss her!
This was our Utah trip! We went to Lagoon (top picture). It is a family tradition to go every year, since I was born, and I still love it! While we were there we went up to Logan, so I could show everyone where I was going for school. It was so much fun, and it made me even more excited to go in the fall! The picture on the bottom is of me, my dad, and my sister Alena enjoying the Aggie Blue Ice Cream at the Creamery.